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Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd4vzct wrote

I think we've found the people who were not invited to the parties when they were young...

Rain on those parades.


whaletacochamp t1_jd5l0h4 wrote

Yeah you and the other guy commenting this same thing are the ones who didn’t get invited. I don’t see why else you’d make that connection and be so eager to share it.

Back in my day we’d get blackout in a neighbors hay barn while he had no idea we were in there. But no one drove and help was a scream away and our parents had no idea what we were doing, but I could also absolutely call for a ride if need be. From what I’ve heard about this situation and about a lot of these high school parties nowadays is that they are quite brazen, often sponsored by parents who don’t give a fuck, and result in a lot of kids drunk driving. I’m all for kids doing their thing and being kids - until they hop in the car or just start to get to take it too far in general. And definitely against parents who think they’re above the law when it comes to something like this.

Like many other parents in this thread - I think a healthy dose of both fear and careful rebellion is good for kids. And I see those two things not being reinforced in this day and age.


Smeedge_Kilgannon t1_jd5q7t1 wrote

I don't know of the other person you speak of, but it sounds like you took that a little too personally. I made that connection because the people who attended parties like this with more likely to be sympathetic and less Karen like as exhibited in the comments throughout. I figured that was a quite obvious reason, but hey I guess not so there you go.

Vermont statically has some of the lowest teen drunk driving cases and though the cases have gone up over the years that can be attributed to other factors of the child being raised and not the direct access to partying. Youth entitlement has never been more prevalent in this state, and they get it from their parents. Granted that statement is hyperbolic and hearsay, I'm sure many would agree with it.

What we can agree on is that parents aren't doing their duty in this day and age for whatever the reason may be case by case.