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woolsocksandsandals t1_jdc6jl7 wrote

Reply to comment by Riaayo in Be careful maple sugarers! by StankyBo

You don’t seem to understand how sap is collected or made or what constitutes a food that presents a botulism danger.

Maple syrup is usually collected daily and is only collected at times of the year where temperatures are generally pretty low. Therefore decomposition isn’t really going to happen in this scenario. The main contaminant is going to be a very small quantity of feces. After the sap is collected it’s filtered and then boiled for a loooong time. Botulism toxin is rendered inert at 185° and the bacteria is self dies at 212° after ten minutes. The spores are going to survive the process but it’s my understanding that the high sugar content of the syrup does something to the spore that stops it from reproducing or producing the toxin.

Therefore not a danger. Gross, but not a danger.