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RevolutionaryHelp940 t1_iuddjmk wrote

This guy is completely irrelevant and has a less than zero chance of winning. People shouldn’t spend a second of their day thinking about him. Already seen way to many posts on here about him.


UnloadedGunn t1_iudhlod wrote

Just because he has no chance of winning doesn’t mean we can’t talk about how weird it is that a third of our state seems to have no problem with the guy.

Like, an anti-masking, January 6th-er who refuses to say that Joe Biden won a legitimate election is getting a not insignificant amount of people in Vermont to support him. Ignoring that is not a good idea, regardless of what his chances of winning are.


random_vermonter t1_iue6ijv wrote

Yeah we should talk about these people before, you know, they make it illegal to criticize them. Not saying it will happen but if the rest of the country keeps voting in traitors...


KingKababa t1_iudtdqc wrote

Yeah, it's a troubling indicator. Or maybe it's a symptom of the problem. I'm not quite sure.


Walnut2001 t1_iudojm6 wrote

That’s a dangerous mindset to get comfortable with, I remember people saying the same thing about some boob from reality tv a while go and look where the country is now.


InvisibleGrbgTrckJry t1_iudnog6 wrote

Yeah, ignoring problems and grossly underestimating the stupidity of people in groups is always a sound political strategy. Just like in 2015. Right?


ChromaticFades t1_iudqtu6 wrote

Hard to ignore when his few supporters are obsessively placing his dumb signs on every square inch of land on every public road.


Vermonter623 t1_iudu4k6 wrote

But how will they play the victim unless they convince everyone that this guy and everyone like him will be in charge?


VoyageursWitch t1_iuebj56 wrote

So we shouldn't spend a second thinking about him but we also can't go anywhere without seeing this damn sign every 20ft. If he's going to spam us with that shit I think we have every right to endlessly mock him.


Twombls t1_iue5omr wrote

Because he absolutely spams the roadsides and peoples private lawns with his signs. Of course people are going make memes about scary eagle man


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iudw2xf wrote

Top 3 posts in this sub are about him. WTF?

*as of the time this was posted.


JimDee01 t1_iuiezkv wrote

You're right, he won't win, but if you spend any time in local news communities you should be at least a little alarmed that the people who support him are even out there at all. Vermont has a creeping problem with racism and fascism, and we shouldn't write off the loonies just because they don't have a lot of numbers...yet.