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t1_iufimcj wrote

Every generation has had a safe space. Safe space is nothing new. I mean there is literally a song from the 80's about someone feeling safe in their car. Prior to that we had the 50's with bowling alleys where men did not let women so they could be safe....


t1_iufjww9 wrote

Your basement is probably the best safe space, hiding from facts or opinions you’re afraid of (no necessarily you but some people). To call people nazis because they disagree with you is a bit much.


t1_iufki7e wrote

I don't call people Nazis that aren't Nazis. That's just dumb. Also, following facts is not difficult. Take anything mental health related. If it is not supported by the APA and peer reviewed. Then it is not fact.


t1_iufkvr2 wrote

Look at the thread we’re in. Insinuating someone’s a klan member because they have differing opinions. Pretty idiotic.


t1_iufl561 wrote

I fully agree with that. I lived in Indiana which had a huge population of open Klansman. Those fuckers were something else.


t1_iufmfhz wrote

I’m in the northeast so it’s very rare. People pretend like it’s all over because if someone disagrees they’re racist. People can’t handle the fact that others have differing opinions. It’s okay to think someone is dumb without saying they’re racist or whatever else to demonize them. If someone is outright racist and actually says what people pretend they’re saying then it’s understandable. Too many people put words in peoples mouths. Actions speak louder


t1_iufn05z wrote

Yeah I don't agree with a lot of conservatives that say they're Christians. I don't call them racist. Misguided for sure and they could use a basic college level biblical studies course, for sure. Racist nah.


t1_iufnuyr wrote

There’s ignorance on every side in many forms. Many more people are more middle than the news would say but they’re trying to divide people. Unfortunately it makes people like the one who made this post trying to spread a false narrative over opinions. Pro life? Pro choice? Is one racist if they believe one or the other? According to some it does, so spreads the ignorance.