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potato-balls t1_iufmupu wrote

Everyone knows to go behind a Wendy's you live under a rock? The reaction is caused by he thinking she married a man with testosterone only to find a pile of estrogen


VinylTaco t1_iufnlsg wrote

If you have some empirical evidence to support this, share


potato-balls t1_iufpm7f wrote


VinylTaco t1_iufps6l wrote

It was fun. Hope your work week goes well!!


potato-balls t1_iufq15v wrote

Id say the same for you but i doubt you work or will have a tough shift in the cuck mobil


VinylTaco t1_iufqb96 wrote

Forklift operator. Though your projection does make for an interesting thesis in clinical psychology.


potato-balls t1_iufqttm wrote

Congratulations on your forklifting job that i was able to do at 12 years old. I hope you make millions


VinylTaco t1_iufr2vi wrote

That's impressive! Congrats for that.

Be praying for you thrive in the world. Also, for you and your loved ones to do well.


potato-balls t1_iufr7ie wrote

Thanks, only took a 5th grade level to really turn pro


VinylTaco t1_iufrcuq wrote

That narrative does help the upper class think blue collar jobs should not be paid well.


potato-balls t1_iufriqr wrote

No mines blue collar all day, im just saying a 5th grader can do it....because i did in 5th grade


potato-balls t1_iufpv6r wrote

Youre a great example...although your wife was probably born with a long cylinder for a vag but you should get the point by now...maybe hop on a short bus and strap that helmet on and youll take the reading rainbow express to class


VinylTaco t1_iufqdgf wrote

Whoa whoa. What's wrong with the reading rainbow?! LeVar is an amazing person. Chill.


potato-balls t1_iufr1c8 wrote

Im sure your buddies love lubbing up the forks at your important forlift job. I imagine you guys use your mouths when your hands are full of hard metal