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Virtual-Track4037 t1_itxorgp wrote

Anyone contact police?


Thefullerexpress t1_itzfe3r wrote

For being poor?



[deleted] t1_itzh91o wrote

To investigate the possibility of child endangerment and neglect (educational neglect, for starters, but maybe also medical, dental, nutritional, etc.).

It’s not really in the police’s wheelhouse, but it’s a starting point. They’d probably refer it to DCF to address those issues, who hopefully would send a social worker try to get the family hooked up with services and maybe even emergency housing.

If the adults bringing the kids around panhandling can’t or are unwilling to provide a safe and stable environment for the kids, then the kiddos might have to be placed with adults who can. In that case, pick your poison: the trauma of being separated from your parents or the trauma of persistent food insecurity and who knows what else is going on with adults who subject kids to this.


Few_Wrangler4068 t1_ity2vds wrote

Yes, they talk to them they leave for a few Days and then come Back. Try to hide their Rv with Virginia plates. Total Gypsies
