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AdventureSheepies OP t1_iqor7hq wrote

Every edible mushroom I've found so far has been riddled with bugs. Don't eat the amanitas, not a good idea. :P


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iqqz5kp wrote

Unless you are 100% sure that is what it is and you want to trip balls.

Even then, there are much less dangerous ways to trip.


AdventureSheepies OP t1_iqqzzlq wrote

There’s a whole subreddit for people that want to trip on amanitas, but I think it’s the amanita muscaria mushrooms they are talking about. Fairly sure this is a flavaconia. Don’t quote me on that though. I’m not interested in tripping on anything, but maybe someday I’ll find some oysters or a cotw that will go in my dinner. Yum.


Generic_Commenter-X t1_iqr4fmk wrote

Yeah, I didn't phrase that very well. I've only had the nerve to eat one mushroom that I found, and that was after some fairly thorough research. As to bugs... eating them scares me a whole lot less than the mushroom! :)


AdventureSheepies OP t1_iqr4zo2 wrote

Oh for sure. I found some oysters though and within a day they went from solid mushroom to mushroom dust because of the bugs. Absolutely riddled with them. The dryad’s saddle I found were okay, but just a little old.