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Azr431 t1_ita9v1s wrote

Just run your water through a tin foil funnel and you’ll be safe


mycophdstudent t1_itac9vq wrote

Low IQ response. Imagine why.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_itbnrd5 wrote

A low IQ response would be railing against fluoride. I bet you think the world is flat, trump is president, the moon landing is fake, there’s microchips in vaccines, and 5G will hurt you as well. Am I right on a few of those you loon?


mycophdstudent t1_itc2dg5 wrote

You're laughable.

You' respond with such predictability, as if you're a programmed to make a scripted response abs play the same five notes back whenever confronted with a dissenting point of view and say  "Oh that persona thinks wrong therefore bah bah trump.... bah bah Jan 6... bah bah election... bah bah flat earther..."

I've never voted for Trump but I'll consider it now because the left is full if assholes like you.


SheridanWyoming t1_itcihj6 wrote

lol that's a pretty shallow way to make important political decisions


mycophdstudent t1_itn4b9q wrote

You're an example of a bad faith actor which destroyed what the left used to be. The left used to be anti-war, pro-freedom, pro-1A with a large dose of gov distrust but you're anti-country, pro-war, pro-authoritarianism, pro-discord, pro-censorship. You made a slander against me because I voiced doubt about the value in medicating my soup, bathwater and laundry, and rather than making a sound argument as to why my soup and laundry and bathwater needs fluoridation when fluoride application is topical and widely available in toothpaste and mouthwash, you just parroted slanders.


SheridanWyoming t1_itn5eyy wrote

I think you're confusing me with a different poster? I was just saying that people being mean on the internet isn't a great way to decide who you're voting for. Imho, voting based on policy is a better idea.