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kraysys t1_it2u0xc wrote

> It's weird for me when Republicans ban abortion except for rape or incest. Because if they truly believed abortion was murder, the conception would be irrelevant. Like, if they really think a fetus is a baby, why would they make exceptions? We don't kill actual living, breathing, not-in-the-womb babies born out of rape.

Pro-lifers generally promote this as a policy because it's very popular among Americans to have a 12-15 week ban with those few exceptions. I agree that it's intellectually inconsistent though. But isn't it also inconsistent for pro-choicers who talk about bodily autonomy and how the fetus isn't a human life to generally want abortion restrictions after 12-15 weeks?

> Which tells me they're hypocrites who just want to control women.

There are millions upon millions of pro-life women. The "controlling women" trope is so tired.