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t1_iu8rtvx wrote

It's sad that you don't even need to know who they are to know it's a Republican. It's always a GOP scumbag.


t1_iu8wfwg wrote

Not defending republicans, however, if you read the article, he is only running as a republican to get noticed. He stated he wouldn't caucus with them if he won, thus not getting their financing and expertise to avoid situations like the one he's currently in.


t1_iu96lf5 wrote

Yeah I did. Both are campaign finance violations. Did you read the New York Times article? Giving favors and state money to developers in exchange for campaign donations is probably worse than illegally throwing your own money at a race that you can’t win.

Don’t pretend like both parties don’t break campaign finance laws.


t1_iu9745v wrote

I really want to like him, I do align with some of his platform... but he's wades into the Kovid-Kook conspiracy waters too much for me. His website has a covid section (for some odd reason) and it reeks of closeted conspiracy theorist.


t1_iu97w6j wrote

Lol! True. Check his Twitter feed full of fake leftists like Katie halper and Aaron mate discussing fake shit meant to discredit America. Seems to be oblivious to any issue impacting Vermont.


t1_iu987kp wrote

Thought he looked familiar. I went to school with that guy.


t1_iu9a2li wrote

Corruption / campaign finance certainly isn’t a one side issue. The republican scandals usually are dumber or to tilt elections vs straight greed (William Jefferson) or to get legislation passed (Cuomo) for democrats though. Certainly seems to be proportionally more campaign finance violations for republicans though.


t1_iu9df8s wrote

As someone who ran for congress on a minor party label in 2016, I can tell you that the entire federal campaign finance law system is geared towards helping major, highly-financed candidates and winnowing out independents and the "little guy." Big money candidates, of both parties, avoid the system entirely through the use of PACs that are not supposed to communicate with the campaign (Ha! Really?! Does anyone believe that?!).

Meanwhile, the forms one has to submit must be done online in a system that is wonky, complicated, and full of idiosyncracies. Many necessary entries functions actually lack buttons (you're just supposed to know that you have to click in an unmarked white space for it to come up), and it frequently times out or crashes while entering data. It is designed specifically to force you to hire someone who "knows the system" to make the entries.

While this is not directly related to what Liam did, it is an indication of the use of the federal laws to 'catch' the little guy or newbie while the major party candidates avoid the 'system.'


t1_iu9ef7z wrote

Still better than Balint bringing in a million dollars of dark money to win a primary.


t1_iu9k63a wrote

It’s a bummer that in order to avoid being downvoted to oblivion you need to qualify your post with “not defending republicans”. Like people see a D or R and make a call before bothering with facts or context.


t1_iu9kiy3 wrote

That annoyed annoyed me more that I honestly believe that story was sat on until after the primary to help Balint win. It put a dent in her story of the LGBTQ community financially supporting her to get her name out there. She is better then Liam but now she owes a couple crypto bros in a big one.

It also shows very clearly, money = votes.


t1_iua4kai wrote

Liam lies…he maddens anyone who expects integrity in their statespeople.


t1_iuake3n wrote

Not to mention that the agreeable parts of his platform like rank-choice voting are either promises that are very easy for him to renege on or they are stuff that he will never get a majority of Congress to agree on.


t1_iuaxixd wrote

He doesn't appear to understand consent and how kids can't give it.

> I gave $ to my son: legal. Asked him to support my campaign: legal. My wife and I gave our own $: legal. All within legal limits. All so they'd let me debate. My wife's biz is sole proprietorship, not Corp, meaning, it's our $, not a corp. Meanwhile Balint gets $1.7MM from lobby.

His son was born in 2019.


t1_iud7v2s wrote

Update: He's now stating this story, based on public comments he made, is a "farce of a story about my so-called campaign finance violations." Which in the very first tweet in the thread he also admits were "inadvertent." Well if the violations were inadvertent, they wouldn't be "so-called"? States there's nothing saying a 3 year old can't consent to give money to a campaign, and think that's a solid defense. The story is so baseless in fact, that he felt the need to draft a letter to the FEC stating just how baseless the accusations are while also including in the letter that Balint got PAC money like the FEC will give a shit?? This man won a major party nomination for a seat in Congress. Oh and he's also bickering with people criticizing him on Twitter. You really can't make this up.


t1_iudpc19 wrote

> Madden insisted that the scheme is legal. Asked who told him it is legal, he said, “It's just, I read the FEC rules.”

the arrogance


t1_iueglzf wrote

He's literally not even a member of the Republican Party. He successfully won their primary as a protest candidate, without their backing and the VT GOP refused to endorse his candidacy following his win in the primary because he would not agree to caucus with US House Republicans were he to win the general. You don't have to like the guy, but you're going to need a different reason not to.


t1_iuevqjs wrote

Illegally funneling money into a political campaign.

But yeah what Lt. governor did in ny was much worse… giving favors to developers in exchange for campaign donations hurts public trust more than illegally funneling your own money into a campaign.


t1_iufkjui wrote

Funny how that happens, when the Republican party goes full fascist and attempts a coup.

Tends to make sensible folks preface their comments a bit, when there's a danger of being misinterpreted as supporting white supremacists and fascists.


t1_iuiksme wrote

> Funny how that happens, when the Republican party goes full fascist and attempts a coup.

The very wealthy will never permit a fascist coup unless it benefits them financially, and it's hard to see how it would - the status quo is massively profitable, and implementing an authoritarian state would cost money both now and in the long run.