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Beardly_Smith t1_ir4lmy1 wrote

Was the mother there in the changing room as well or just going by what her daughter says.


RetiscentSun t1_ir4vzmy wrote

Tell me you didn’t read the article without telling me.

> Two days later, an administrator called the mother to tell her that three people reported that her daughter had been bullied and harassed. As a result, the school was launching an investigation.


[deleted] t1_ir5528k wrote

Yeah well the trans girl didn’t comment on news because they ran their little mouth in the locker room to others. Wtf do you thinks gonna happen? Harassment is harassment, Fucken level the playing field or get the fuck off it. Plain and simple. Equality for all, run your mouth in a changing room, get clocked is how it usually goes. Especially at Randolph


RetiscentSun t1_ir567ui wrote

I hope you’re doing ok


[deleted] t1_ir56hjx wrote

You clearly never been in a fight, or talked shit. Swing motherfuckaaaa swinggggg


RetiscentSun t1_ir56luy wrote

I guess you’re not doing ok. I hope things get better for you in the future


[deleted] t1_ir56ru8 wrote

Lol your that kid that talked shit in school and got clocked hookin your cheek to your braces


RetiscentSun t1_ir57e8z wrote

3/3 concerning comments. Feel free to send me a PM for access to some resources if you’re too embarrassed to ask here


Corey307 t1_ir6d7me wrote

The coward nukes their Reddit profile.


[deleted] t1_ir57oxo wrote

I mean it’s not my fault you fucked up in school and got your ass beat for talking shit, that’s your degenerate life lesson. I can’t go back in time and stop you from running your mouth, sounds like your at war with yourself
