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Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iubsyih wrote

Disagree. Many of our politicians were born elsewhere. Most lived and worked in Vermont fore years prior to running for office. This dude has been in VT for less than two years and his first run for office is US Senate. Reminds me of Jack McMullen who moved here from Mass specifically to run for Senate. Our own version of Dr Oz.


td241 t1_iudxd5v wrote

> Our own version of Dr Oz.

So Malloy is running against someone with brain damage?


fjwjr t1_iubxcab wrote

Oh, so what amount of time in state makes someone a ‘real Vermonter’ to you?


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iucyv4x wrote

I didn’t make any reference to “real Vermonter.”

But, if someone comes to Vermont for school (Bernie, Kesha, Howard Dean) and stays because they love the place. And runs for office, more power to them. And note that generally these people run for small local office well before any statewide race.

I personally know a woman that moved here from Michigan about 20 years ago for work. Almost from year one she volunteered for all kinds of stuff in town. About 10 years ago she ran for school board. Now running for state Rep. that’s fine.

But McMullen moved here from Mass for no other reason than because there was an open senate seat, oh and he was a multimillionaire so he thought he could buy the seat. I’m sure you know all of this but if not, look up his debate where farmer Fred Tuttle asked him to say the names of numerous Vermont towns.

Now Malloy, yes I’m aware he did not move to VT just to run for senate. But please do tell me how much you think he knows about VT, to justify representing us in the US senate.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iudf772 wrote

Dude, Bernie started running for office 3 years after he moved to VT. So did Zuckerman. He was still in UVM his first run as a state rep.

You are lying to yourself.

Welch and Balint where here 6 years or less, before they ran for office. Malloy is 100% a carpetbagger but so are 1/2 of the politicians in VT that are currently in office. If you took some time to research them, even though you agree with them, you will see a trend of out of staters moving here and being elected to statewide office less then 10 years after they got here.


fjwjr t1_iud3cjx wrote

I’m not going to tell you anything about this Malloy guy. I don’t know a thing about him. Haven’t seen an ad or gotten junk mail. Just the signs. I just think it’s interesting to hear people’s take on what a Vermonter is.

I moved here for work 33 years ago and, because I moved from NH there’s still people who consider me a transplant. And because I was born in Maryland, there’s still people who consider me a flatlander.


Ok_Reference_9222 t1_iud5r09 wrote

Cool - I'm not one of those people. I was born here and met my wife in Maryland (Army Brat, graduated HS in Aberdeen). She was born in PA. We returned to VT about 30 years ago. My father's family came here from CT. my mother's family has roots in VT that go way back.

We are all Vermonters as we chose to live in VT.


td241 t1_iucf06d wrote

Hey, no logical questions, please. And don’t even think about mentioning that there are plenty of other campaign signs from various candidates all over the state right now.
