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t1_iroyv65 wrote

Looks like a Garter snake.


OP t1_irozqgq wrote

The funny part is that only yesterday I told my wife I hadn’t seen many snakes this year.


t1_irpdsnb wrote

We see them all the time playing disc golf. Often freaks me out cause they are so camoflauged and the ground starts moving. When I was a kid we would pick them up sometimes. But they bite you sometimes and it hurts, not alot but enough.


t1_irpjrmp wrote

Yeah, thankfully they don’t have fangs like the ones I had down in Florida.


t1_irp3y6w wrote

Walk through any type of tall grass slowly - preferably after a rain or in an area that has some stagnant water


t1_irubxtd wrote

I see these guys daily during the summer around house and garden. I think they eat the toads.


t1_irrs4jn wrote

Most common snake in VT, good for your garden & environs in general. Too shy to hurt you but eats small rodents, etc. Let it go on with its business and you’ll have a better yard (please no pesticides!)


t1_irp76sk wrote

They are just sitting in the sun on sidewalks like idiots currently. I almost stepped on one on a walk on Saturday. Scared me (at first, when the brain is like SNAAAKE!!). :)


t1_irq4b72 wrote

Garter. A good snake to have around. Especially if you have rodents nearby.


t1_irq1lt6 wrote

Yup, garter snake. Identical to the one that slithered out of our garden and under our front tire one day. Except this one isn’t flat.


t1_irqcgmk wrote

A pretty large garter snake, they’re completely harmless

You can let them bite your finger and hang them off of your hand, they’re too small to hurt you but they’ll latch on.


t1_irpqne1 wrote

Definitely garter snake


t1_irr7m31 wrote

Cute garter snek, I love those lil noodles.


t1_irra8j2 wrote

Nice, I haven’t seen snakes in the wild in years. I wish I could feed him a nice mouse.


t1_irro4dk wrote

You all sure those spots don’t match up to a gardener snake


t1_irtfm77 wrote

The stuff they piss on you if you try to pick them up smells just like bellybuttons.