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yafsyiasty t1_irvsmfh wrote

Lease or buy? If leasing then definitely buy separate snows. You will save tire wear on the leased tires so you don’t have to buy new tires on the return, plus better winter performance obviously. If you’re buying it all depends on how much you think you’ll need to drive in actual storms. 90% of the time a good all season is enough. When they are fresh they can handle most situations, but it won’t be as pleasant. I wouldn’t have said that until I had to drive a rental Santa Fe with fresh all seasons (literally 200 miles on the rental when we picked it up) through a snow storm that dropped 18” on the transcanada highway from revelstoke to golden BC. Not nearly as comfortable as driving with snows, but just had to drive a little more defensively. Zero problems…it’s going to come down to the driver when it comes to the safety of driving in snow. Bottom line is, if you’re driving to the mountain after snowstorms then get some fucking snow tires! Just so much better performance (and therefore safer) if you anticipate driving through snow on the regular.