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cohray2212 t1_itva3w5 wrote

I'm honestly surprised there's no dealership already. Like 10% of the cars in Chittenden County are Teslas.

IDK where you were going with the comparison of a Home Depot in southern VT to a car dealership in South Burlington. If you truly believe that it's a logical comparison I'd recommend never opening your own business lmao. Opening a sandwich shop, wondering why no one wants your food and saying "the tire shop by my house does well" is in your future.


Room07 OP t1_itvi5rf wrote

My understanding is that Home Depot failed (was rejected by Vermonters) due to both the rejection of a large box brand over local hardware stores and the owner's insistence on contributing to conservative right-wing causes.

Elon Musk has outed himself as a right-winger and I'm wondering if Vermonters will reject the brand. Obviously, there are already a few Teslas around but Musk's new public stance is causing a stir among those in the market for an EV. Many are swearing to never purchase a musk-mobile solely because of his political stance.

Since the mask and vaccine mandates, there have been a few Vermont businesses that outed themselves on social by making stupid political or insensitive comments. The businesses were essentially review bombed and boycotted. They're all closed.

What can't you understand about these comparisons?


cohray2212 t1_itvx0xk wrote

  1. Vermonters dont do that really all that much.
  2. Vermonters love green shit

CallingAllDemons t1_itw2eas wrote

There's three other Home Depots in VT, so I don't really think you can say the brand's been rejected by Vermonters.


Some-Permit-2445 t1_itx4ukr wrote

Rutland and Burlington both have Home Depot’s, never been rejected in any sense. The local hardware store from my home town (Castleton) still does alright (Gilmores) but I don’t see that being an issue in Vermonters eyes when Teslas are already all over the state. (For the sake of your comparison) What local EV company is putting out cars lmfao. I will say, I don’t see why anyone would get your comparison, I don’t understand since this post is comparing oranges to apples. I doubt there will be mask mandate issues in Teslas dealership when it is going to be under the spotlight (being the first in state, especially if it offers dealership maitnence) so I think that point is mute too. Just because there is some democrats in Burlington and Brattleboro doesn’t mean they can’t stand behind anything related to a “Republican’s” views (I could care less about muskies opinions/views, that’s why idk if he even is a Republican). I mean they literally voted Phil Scott in, so if we are talking about the same sample, Vermont, I don’t think they will generalize an entire brand over the owners private views, that (from the many teslas already on the road) they already support, and react by pushing the business out of Vermont. I don’t see it.


Some-Permit-2445 t1_itx6ffx wrote

I don’t give a shit about half mass Brattleboro VT. I’ve only stopped there for shit Thai and got food poisoning. Here, now we are both devaluing each others points with useless information. Just because this happened however many years ago, in SOUTHERN VT, and you didn’t read my point at all. Doesn’t mean all of Vermont will take small business’s over big, It’s opening in SOUTH BURLINGTON, where there all already dealerships representing most large name car brands nearby. It’s about time Tesla makes their entrance, and claims the market they ALREADY have, with the hundreds on the road in the state. Especially if they offer maintenance at the location.


Room07 OP t1_itx6ype wrote

This is r/Vermont. Not r/Burlington. You've made your feelings quite clear.


Some-Permit-2445 t1_itx859k wrote

Your original article is on a location in South Burlington, not Brattleboro. So I don’t see why where it is posted makes a difference with our argument’s. Wasn’t trying to include my feelings, I deal with a lot of that in B Town on its own. You wanted a discussion, I tried to provide one.