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Real-Pierre-Delecto2 t1_isfeqcl wrote

Jeez man all that without mentioning the biggest problem with your post. You implied the name was made for racist reasons "The original owners named this grocery store for reasons you can imagine." the rest is almost irrelevant. While some are bickering over who owns the store now the FACT is it was named after the White or Leblanc family ages ago and has zero to do with whatever you are/were implying with your comment. The reason no one cares in town is we all know it's not a racist name. Trust me this crap has come up quite a few times mostly from young people who are not from here and make stupid assumptions LSC I am looking at you.

In this day of internet mobs cancel culture and the like you can really fuckup someones lively hood by making false accusations yes even if they are false bad things can and do happen.

If I have offended anyone for standing up for a local company that employs many like almost 100 people and that my family shops at almost daily well you can take a fucking number.


E_White12 t1_isfyydw wrote

Are you people for real? I said my comment being sarcastic about overly woke people. The fact it was take. Seriously is scary. My last name is White lol 🤡