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Samdamnit t1_iuoo0mt wrote

Put up max height bars. They listen to those


MooDonkey t1_iupbnx4 wrote

Most effective answer to still allow box trucks would be a laser-triggered traffic light. They have these in a couple of places, Lincoln Tunnel in NYC springs to mind. Set it at, say, 9' high. Any vehicle over 9' tall sets off the traffic light, and the big fuck-off flashing red lights on a sign that says road unsuitable for tractor trailers, tight turns and rocks, $5,000 fine, turn around here, call xxx-xxx-xxxx if you need assistance. Box trucks can then proceed.


Christopher_LX t1_iup1xqf wrote

This would be unfair to box trucks, which don't get stuck in tight turns.


edwardsamson t1_iupsmir wrote

but they do smash into that boulder at the top on the S curve that's a bit before the main parking lot


Willie_the_Wombat t1_iupbgpl wrote

This is the obvious answer, or possibly a bus stop style chicane, at the last viable turnaround.


Electrical-Bed8577 t1_iuq4040 wrote

The big wheels paradigm: Length + girth vs height. "It ain't the meat its the motion..."


BigRSoul t1_iup11g6 wrote


These would be at a trucker's eye level and would definitely deter entry to the road.

Bright colored bars with those blinking solar LEDs.