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Ciderinsider86 t1_iuu4tyb wrote

Wonder what the ROI is on sending out tens of thousands of books to the least religious state in the natio Oof what a waste of money. Sucks they were allowed to use non-profit postal rates


AJArcadian t1_iuum4uz wrote

The cost is sunk in terms of earth dollars, but I think it translates to Heaven Points (TM). They're only redeemable after death or rapture, though, that's where they get ya.


YPG-Got-Raqqa t1_iuxtquy wrote

Somehow I doubt the seventh day adventists are rolling in the dough.


reclaimandrevolve t1_ivuttto wrote

well, the publisher makes out like a bandit, because these books are paid for by donations. I'm guessing their ROI in terms of converts isn't that high, but it's keeping people in jobs, by fleecing people.