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jonahhillfanaccount t1_ivmyybd wrote

so you sell flesh for money but it’s ok bc they sometimes get to go in the pasture.


Outrageous-Outside61 OP t1_ivo1xmy wrote

“Sometimes” I think 7 days inside out of 200 days of life is a little more than sometimes. I’d actually guarantee my pigs spend more time outside than you have in the last 5 years combined. Animal agriculture ain’t going anywhere, and has less suffering per nutrient by far than your unhealthy vegan alternatives.


jonahhillfanaccount t1_ivoz6wp wrote

Less suffering per nutrient is patently false.

The pigs you slaughter require far more resources to than the rice, beans and local vegetables that I eat.

Also you act like giving an animal 200 days of life when they could live for years is a gift


Outrageous-Outside61 OP t1_ivozn1b wrote

Oh they do? I feed primarily creamery waste products, supplementing with some grain that is grown in upstate New York.


jonahhillfanaccount t1_ivp03xh wrote

Your pigs don’t drink water?

The science is on my side.

Plant based is more sustainable than meats We would use less land, less water, and less emissions if everyone converted to plant based.


Outrageous-Outside61 OP t1_ivp0h9y wrote

I hate to break it to you but that article is based on debunked research. And yes, my beef and pork medium sized operation is very much carbon negative. I’m not saying everyone’s is, but I can proudly say mine is. Once again I’d love to see your carbon footprint