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Neat_Boysenberry802 t1_ivn66ub wrote

Fuck Peter Welch. This fucking liberal state is trash. Can’t wait til my wife and I move to a red state.


bthrx t1_ivnzqdr wrote

Lol the crime in red states is insane. Despite what Fox news wants you to think about blue cities it's actually red ones where crime is surging. In general crime is down everywhere.


Clever_Clever t1_ivocq52 wrote

You don't live here, but if you do... Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. Peace, bitch!


DeliriousBlues t1_ivoiysz wrote

Ah, did you create this account to troll? I’m sure you are not a Vermonter at all.


Ergotnometry t1_ivop2yt wrote

No, please, stay here where your vote is safely quarantined.