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bigtimesauce t1_ivwrr1n wrote

Proud of your own ignorance and indifference, huge surprise.


Cold-Try6621 t1_ivwz7nd wrote

Doesn't matter who you vote for, we'll still be fighting bullshit wars. We'll still bomb innocent people. We'll still be in debt. We'll still have mass surveillance and other constitutional breaches. We'll still support zionism. We still won't regulate the pharmaceutical companies. You get it. Or maybe not. We could have been on the way to change back in 2016, but Clinton decided to rig the primaries instead of stepping to the side to let Sanders take a shot. Vote for this cursed country all you want. We're still only going to stay stagnant.


bigtimesauce t1_ivxkkqq wrote

Great, glad to hear you understand doing nothing means nothing will change. How fucking dumb.


Cold-Try6621 t1_ivxmek4 wrote

Did you not just fucking read that? Elections have been compromised since 2016


HardTacoKit t1_ivxty82 wrote

Go back to /r/conspiracy You are not smart enough to participate here.