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Vermonter623 t1_iy5sarj wrote

Wokism is to the left what magaism is to the right. Unfortunately each side keeps trying to out edgelord each other with provocative acts. It forces people to pick a side based on reaction. It does nothing but further the divide. It definitely helps the people in power keep us divided by making us think that the other side is after something we can’t seem to live without. They continue to exploit us day in and day out


Intelligent-Hunt7557 t1_iy6abso wrote

Yes, neonazis on one side, sensitive caring people on the other, BOTH SIDES!


Vermonter623 t1_iy7uvtz wrote

Yes. I’ve seen low expectations racism and white knight racism from liberals. That’s still racism.


alwaysmilesdeep t1_iy89w4d wrote

There is no's a made up boogeyman term...