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Old_Ad_1301 OP t1_iy1uzp5 wrote

Well apparently its profitable


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iy32sjc wrote

It is profitable, but it needs to be because as a landlord, the rent you are charging needs to cover not only the cost of the building but putting away for needed repairs. The tenants does not pay to fix a broken Furnace at 2:00 am, a leaky roof, a new appliance or taxes and insurance which are high in VT.

They are taking all the risk, they should get some reward. All the people saying the mortgage is only... have no idea they base mortgage costs are not even nearly close to the cost of owning a home.


Loudergood t1_iy60mof wrote

There were landlords making bank when rents were a fraction of what they are now.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iy618rh wrote

And for those who don’t get a subsidy, property taxes have increased about 4x in the past 15 years. Comparing rents from “before” to rents now without taking into account the increased costs and risk of renting now to “before”

Look at the democratic Burlington candidate, she owns a rental and lost the security deposit after a tenant moved out mid lease because her letter said you can appeal to the housing board but didn’t explicitly say you have 30 days in the letter.


Loudergood t1_iy67usy wrote

The risk of losing a security deposit? Give me a break. And rents have also increased about 4x in the last 15 years. Anyone who owned their units back then is absolutely taking it in now.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_iy6a08r wrote

Yeah, you are out a chunk of change over stuff like not explicitly saying 30 days. Renting today is more risky than before. Shit like the inability to evict make it dangerous enough that you need to cover your ass.

Is a place like Burlington I assume the general sentiment is who cares, im renting or college kids or UVM kids who decided to stay so fuck it, soak them. Get out of chittenden county and shit is more affordable.