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bonanzapineapple t1_iwvl2rq wrote

Because sooner or later people need to realize that leaving your keys in the vehicle is a bad idea. Doesn't mean the theft is justified, but... Come on, don't make it too easy for the theifs


friedmpa t1_iwvn7ve wrote

You mean unlocked+keys in center console is not the safest thing ever? Dang it


doctorchivago t1_iwvyx9w wrote

This was the wildest thing I've seen since moving to Vermont, I know sooo many people here who leave their front doors open, or their cars unlocked with the fucking keys in the center console. Like, I don't care how safe this state is on paper, no way I'm leaving my shit unlocked sorry.


miss_antlers t1_iwyavrh wrote

I don’t know why you got downvoted, you’re right. I’ve lived here all my life and I still lock up my shit. It does not justify thieving at all, I’ve had my shit stolen by roommates letting untrustworthy friends of theirs hang out at my apartment before and no matter the circumstances, it’s never okay. But…yeah, I’m still gonna be on the cautious side and always lock up.


Smacpats111111 t1_ix0y5yl wrote

You think that’s bad? People do it in my area in New Jersey. Yeah, their cars disappear pretty quickly.