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Quiet_Satisfaction64 t1_iwx1clb wrote

I guess that depends on what you’ve experienced right? Yes, it can be safe in VT but that doesnt mean this stuff hasn’t been happening since, well, ever. 15 years ago, living in a decently populated, “safe” area and we had a string of car “break-ins” (only unlocked cars had stuff stolen) and someone was shooting our pet cats. Bad shit happens every where. Its everyones responsibility to take steps to prevent it if possible.

Yes, we are all aware that our country is suffering, that is part of the rise in crime. We are seeing gentrification happen right in front of our eyes with this surge of new people after covid hit. Then you add on our country’s consistent back pedaling on proactive/beneficial legislation.

I think you’re being down voted because youre being offended by people asking questions about the situation. Get off your moral high horse.

Edit: Spelling correction


Rare_Message_7204 t1_iwx86hv wrote

You can share your opinions on why you think these issues are happening (I appreciate it) but don't make assumptions about me. I'm not riding a moral high horse nor am I offended, that's your assumption.

The number of posts about stolen property is becoming alarming to me. The laughable theme in the comments seems to be curiosity about the circumstances of how something was stolen. My point is that it doesn't really matter. We'd be better served to have meaningful discussions about common sense solutions to fix the root causes of why things are being stolen.