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Internal-Fudge8578 t1_iykefef wrote

Really? I only got mine in august and it started with a 6, how could they get to 8 that fast?


sad0panda t1_iykf6av wrote

I got mine last December and was a 79xxx. Surprised you got a 6!


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_iyki7ry wrote

What?! That’s weird, maybe they skipped one by accident and then gave it to me 😂 does the animal on it affect things? I’m a loon


Constant_Honey_3965 OP t1_iymvfn3 wrote

A couple of years ago I got 64xxx. That plate rusted around a mounting hole and I requested a replacement about a month ago. My new numbers were 67xxx.


sad0panda t1_iyowj4w wrote

Wonder if there's a difference for truck series.