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Reasonable_Expert_23 t1_j1yvygo wrote

Zoning is not the only barrier. It’s very expensive to source building materials in Vermont, and labor is scarce/expensive. The only thing that pencils right now for a lot of developers are large multifamily apartment buildings and the rents needed to cover costs are high even for middle incomes.

I live next to Hartland and Sharon - neither town has any zoning and there’s been hardly any new development, despite being pretty close to the Upper Valley core.

Yes, let developers build within reason and mandate affordability to the extent possible. But we also need to increase public subsidies, build social housing, and scale up other public assistance programs.


cpujockey t1_j1z1j26 wrote

> labor is scarce/expensive.

best time to get into the trades if you wanna make some real money. None of that smith barney bullshit needed. Just a can do attitude and the willingness to learn on the job.