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TheTowerBard t1_j204kkl wrote

It's also just incredibly insane because I can't imagine where VT would be without people from out of state bringing their money here and spending it. It's just such an ignorant way of thinking.

I grew in VT but spent my 20s and early 30s living all over the country. Anytime I came back to visit with OOS plates I'd get shit from some idiot at least once.

Hell, one time my mom who raised me here came back to visit after moving to CA for work (she lives here again now). She drove across country and the day after she got here we decided to go to lunch at Long Trail. I missed a turn on the way there and turned around in someone's driveway. There was a group of 20 something guys standing out front of the house. I smiled and gave a wave as I turned around, only my front tires breaking the plane of their driveway. One guy sort of waved and started walking towards us. He then came up to the car and said if he saw me and my CA plates use his driveway to turn around again he'd drag me from the car and "beat the ever loving piss out of" me. Dude thought he was being tough to some folks from CA but he was simply threating fellow Vermonters...