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Constant_Education_4 t1_iyqq3z4 wrote

Had the misfortune of driving on RT 2 through Montpelier yesterday, and the condition of the road, in our capital no less, was outrageous. I'm embarrassed on behalf of Vermont.


Possibly-deranged t1_iyra2f0 wrote

And this is why I like dirt roads better, if they get a pothole then the town grader comes by and flattens them out not long after. Or in the case of the class IV road I live on, I'll just fire up my tractor and do it myself XD


casewood123 t1_iyrbuwh wrote

I live on 105 in Saint Albans, and Vtrans went through last month and put some new culverts in, but didn’t fill the hole with enough gravel. One sign warning you in a 50 mph zone. Thought my undercarriage was going to get ripped off. They left it like that for two days before they came back and actually paved over it.


My-Left-Plate t1_iyt2kt3 wrote

I was driving between Warren and Waitsfield last March and I thought I was going to die. The road was soooo bad and the sun was setting and I was with my 8 year old daughter and I just thought well we are going to just spend the night year. I still can’t believe we made it.

And that was like the main road over the hill. Just crazy, it was worse than anything I’ve seen in any third world country.


Hanginon t1_iyt3h6i wrote

"ThIs Is My CoMmUtE iN vErMoNt'

Posts simulated road from Canada...

You people really need to get out more, really.

Ever been to Massachusetts? Or Rhode Island? Maybe even as far afield as Wisconsin?

Vermont actually ranks 8th out of 50 for the best roads in the US.

Really, get out more... ¯\_( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
