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71802VT t1_izx9m5h wrote

Another one!?!? :-) Who's making these??


Absurdity_Everywhere t1_izxjp7a wrote

I like the guy, and I’m extremely glad that he’s representing our state. But personally, I have no interest in putting ANY politician on my holiday decorations. It just feels strange to me, even if I think he’s a good dude.


lantonas t1_izxm6lq wrote

How do I sign up for the cult?


danvtemt t1_izylt9o wrote

Nope. Please. It's Christmas


GreatStateOfSadness t1_izyuphi wrote

Yep, praise politicians and celebrities for the positive work they do, but don't put them on such a pedestal that you're willing to decorate your home with their face.

A friend of mine was so enamored by Andrew Cuomo's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic that they got a mug with his face on it. That mug aged extremely poorly in just a couple months.


[deleted] t1_izzf0ii wrote

Well, there goes Christmas. The grinch will take it all, just like the campaign donations. And Burlington college funding.


FyuckerFjord t1_izzjcn4 wrote

Thanks to capitalists, the top one-tenth of 1% of this tree now owns as many pine needles as the bottom 90 percent.

Did I say capitalists? I meant cats.


SirAidandRinglocks t1_j01clj5 wrote

Feels weird to put a guy I see walking around town on a Christmas tree.


mad9779 t1_j023vqx wrote

Cool! Where did you get that?