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pv_punisher OP t1_j0vfuns wrote

Reply to comment by Unique-Public-8594 in "Dogspam" by pv_punisher

Yep. Bringing them out is good. Just leash them when required, I see so many free running dogs in public places it's very frustrating. Especially for people who don't particularly like dogs or are physically small. I have a daughter, that despite her age is tiny, I can't tell you how many times I've heard "Oh he's just saying hello" or something as she's getting knocked to the ground. It's terrible behavior and it's gotten worse over the past several years.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j0vgtv8 wrote

Ugh. Agree about off leash dogs. Not cool. Frustrating about your daughter. You have every right to enjoy a dog-less outdoors.

But calling people psychotic ain’t cool either. It has a very narrow, specific definition, requires diagnosis, and is a painful experience for the patient and family. Not to be thrown around lightly as an insult.

Are you the first or the last to call people psychotic just because they are different? No.

Here’s what psychotic looks like, it’s traumatizing for these little ones, and it looks quite different than walking into a Tractor Supply Store with a leashed dog:

Sorry for the rant. Pet peeve of mine. It’s just that we’re trying to lessen mental health stigma and this doesn’t help.