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roadtrip-ne t1_j1m5b4r wrote

Why wouldn’t you want waterproof winter boots? Water inherently wants to be wet, snow is fleeting


0thell0perrell0 t1_j1mh99l wrote

Postman here, always go full leather waterproof, and treat them.


reverievt t1_j1m9d6i wrote

Are there winter boots that AREN’T waterproof?


pavolstore1 OP t1_j1m9tqj wrote



Corey307 t1_j1ni7tx wrote

If you like having wet frostbitten feet buy boots that aren’t waterproof. Like having feet? Buy waterproof boots.


antfurrny t1_j1ngw9c wrote

Is this a serious question?


imgoinglobal t1_j1m45po wrote

What are you planning on doing in them?


pavolstore1 OP t1_j1m541s wrote

Want to spend some time thats it just to relax


11BMasshole t1_j1m75da wrote

I’m literally wearing flip flops today. If you are sticking to Burlington some Timberland would suffice. Even sneakers would work as long as it isn’t snowing or raining.


Corey307 t1_j1nicql wrote

What is your budget. A $100 pair of insulated leather boots and a $5 can of Sno Seal will get the job done.


pavolstore1 OP t1_j1m51j9 wrote

Just sight seeing bro.want to visit few places no hiking or trekking


imgoinglobal t1_j1m6eif wrote

You’ll want them to be water resistant at minimum just so the snow that collects on the side doesn’t soak through as you are walking, but you should be fine with any boots that are warm enough. Definitely get some microspikes or yaktraks though in case it’s icy where you are.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_j1nyyun wrote

Then just wear sneakers. I only put my boots on when there’s a storm. I wear sneakers most of the winter.


Fantastic_Painter_15 t1_j1mcbbm wrote

You don’t need boots at all just to drive around and sight see or whatever you plan on doing. I wear sneakers 90% of the winter. Don’t go romping through a snowbank and you’ll be perfectly fine


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j1m4cb4 wrote

You are likely to be more comfortable if you do.

(Yak Traxs (microspikes) can help make it less likely you will slip and fall.)


Coachtzu t1_j1mc8db wrote

Unless he's on pavement. Those microspikes are awful slippery on sidewalks.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j1m7znp wrote

Waterproof. Always waterproof. Better completely dry than insulated because once your feet get wet, no amount of insulation helps.


pondusedtobeupthere t1_j1md7ae wrote

Just stay where you are. We’re busy enough picking flatlanders out of the snow banks, sides of the roads.


K1d6 t1_j1p8qp1 wrote

Right, because winter tourism is not a thing in VT. Must be only locals up on them ski slopes...


StepVanity t1_j1mm8hb wrote

And whatever you do, don't eat yellow snow!


Effinehright t1_j1mt15u wrote

Shorts and a t shirt you’ll be fine


Jerry_Williams69 t1_j1naasq wrote

I just wear waterproof hiking boots with heavy treads all season. Gets the job done 95% of the time. I keep micros spikes in my truck in case something goes sideways (literally and figuratively).


lighthouse0 t1_j1o2tax wrote

Waterproof is helpfull if you are planning on biking all year things can get wet in the spring and fall. . . If you want to spend nights at fires at the beach during the winter and summer i suggest waterproof is magical . . . Oboz Shoes at REI are pretty magical and work great. . . Maybe you dont need boots perse' but waterproof hiking low rise boots


VermontRox t1_j1oklcw wrote

Bring a wetsuit! Insulated.


FatCatAsshat t1_j1px662 wrote

Neither, just wear some crocs & you’ll be good. Vermonters are lying when they talk about snow & stuff, it’s just a way to scare off the tourists & enjoy this tropical paradise all for ourselves


21stCenturyJanes t1_j1q271v wrote

If you aren't planning a lot of outdoor adventures, you probably don't need waterproof. Like, you're going to be in town and hanging out? Regular boots will be fine. If you're planning on going snowshoeing, hiking, being out in the weather, get waterproof.


Fast_Emu3781 t1_j1q8zn0 wrote

If you are not hiking or trekking and just walking around on pavement and there isn’t a huge snow storm coming then all you need are some sneakers and warm socks. I’m currently wearing fleece lined crocs and my feet havnt been cold at all. No need to waste money of waterproof boots unless your hiking. I’d rather use that money for a heavy winter jacket or heated vest