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thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0ymze6 wrote

Most of those people are storm surge workers from upstate NY and MA.

You should post in those states as those guys drive up here, fix our power grid, then drive home.


No-Menu-5104 t1_j0yng5z wrote

And ME and Canada


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j0ynr70 wrote

I’ve never seen the ME plates or Canada plates where I am but that is probably my location. I assume farther north and east and I may see them.


escobert t1_j0z2sb8 wrote

Plates may not mean much. I have a few friends who travel around the country doing linework after hurricanes etc. They could be in Georgia one week then Arkansas the next and not always driving the same trucks.


TillPsychological351 t1_j0ykfb6 wrote

Yup, great work. I woke up Saturday morning without power, and by the look of the snow, I thought it would be off most of the day. Nope, it was back on within 90 minutes.


Pongpianskul t1_j0zh9nz wrote

69 hours without power for me. Thankful for the wood stove and even more thankful to the people who worked after dark to restore the lights last night.


zhynn t1_j108365 wrote

Here here! Shout out to the Washington Electric Coop crews in particular. You guys rock.