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AllThisFakeFruit t1_j1tzmz7 wrote

Seriously this, so many people like to forget that government services use social media to inform people. I honestly would love to hear there solution to what would replace town social media accounts.


gooker10 t1_j1uej2r wrote

official accounts like VT trans and their twitter updates sure, but not every employee.


ManOfDrinks t1_j1udrvm wrote

Nobody is talking about axing existing social media accounts used in an official capacity. This is about state employees using their state issued mobile phone to install TikTok for personal use.


AllThisFakeFruit t1_j1ueh5e wrote

Nobody Except the person above and a lot of other people when this subject of banning apps is brought up. Dude literally says "All social media should be banned from state and government cell phones. There’s no reason to have any social site on there."

I also agree that you shouldn't use personal social media on your work phone, but the above sentiment is beyond dumb.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j1ufolq wrote

Yeah, my general thought is this will end up as a knee jerk reaction which end up in bad policy because people don't think through an issue before they react.
