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Meow_Meow_4_Life t1_j20z5em wrote

Have you heard of people being sued by trespassers that have been injured on other people’s property and the owner being liable if it wasn’t posted?


CountryAssLawyer t1_j2105so wrote

The answer is ‘yes,’ but only under specific circumstances. Google “attractive nuisance” for one example.


Eagle_Arm t1_j21191t wrote

That's the verbiage I couldn't remember. Thanks for that.


Eagle_Arm t1_j21179i wrote

The commenter below had the phrase I couldn't remember.

The go-to example is usually a trampoline or pool that isn't fenced off and kids get hurt or drown. The kids aren't blamed because, they're just kids, they don't know any better. The adult, landowner, should have taken precautions to prevent it.

It's good to protect people who can't protect themselves, but it's also a little bullshit that you need to think about how to legally protect yourself vs. providing an area for people to be outdoors.