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TillPsychological351 t1_j1czmjb wrote

Allow me a brief rant... as a physician, I hate those irrelevant questionaires too. If they were 't mandated, I would do away with about 75% of the questions. I completely against this move in medicine to turn doctors into social workers. I have all the respect in the world for social workers, but I am not trained to do their work. I am trained in medicine. There are other professions that can help people in need connect them to resources, but nobody else can treat that person's diabetes, pneumonia, hypertension, etc. That's my job and that's what I studied and trained for over a decade to do.


No-Ganache7168 OP t1_j1dc6yz wrote

I have to fill one out every year in the waiting room and I imagine it’s quicker for her to glance over it before my appointment than to ask me two pages worth of questions. If there’s something I want to discuss I just circle it.

I like my pcp bc she does a Pap smear and orders all of the medications and screening tests I’ll need until my next annual visit. It saves me time and money.