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kn4v3VT t1_j2wpeg8 wrote

It is happening here, it’s a global problem regardless of where the symptoms present themselves. If you have chicken pox, you don’t point at the area of skin inbetween the red bumps and say “no bump here, I am not sick”.

It seems you’re trying to say “you’re not using 💯 precision in the way you present climate change and this is off putting to some people and counter productive.” And you’re right, we are generally never super precise when we communicate complicated problems as a society. Humans tend to simplify concepts to improve the ability to communicate the main idea. If this is something that bothers you, don’t poke the bear online and get grumpy when it growls at you.

If you mean to say that by simplifying climate change on Reddit I am going to cause people to take it less seriously- sure that may happen but honestly it doesn’t matter. If I get just one more person to think about it just a little more I’ve achieved my goal. It’s here, it’s happening, it’s happening to Vermont (ask your local ski resort what they’re seeing). I don’t care if you think todays weather is not because of global climate change - the big picture is what’s important, and being proactively alarmist about this problem is better than saying it’s not happening in my back yard so it’s not my problem. Again you’re being very precise with your argument, but you’re not accurate.