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blE3p_bl00p t1_j34esms wrote

can we not make this a thing please? one time cool, second time lame, third time gag me...


PassionsBite OP t1_j34ezh2 wrote

I must have missed where you've seen it before


blE3p_bl00p t1_j34faev wrote

It's clearly AI generated just like the 'god' of vermont post. I could type 100X words in front of 'Vermont' into one of those generators and make 100X posts just like this... it's not good and it's probably a direct knockoff of someone's actual artwork knowing how they train these things...


PassionsBite OP t1_j3a7aht wrote

It is AI generated; sorry, I thought my comment on the post made that clear. I still thought it was cool, especially since so many of the AI generated super villains tended toward the male clown variety. I just wanted to share something I thought was interesting, but since so many people seem to be taking it extremely poorly maybe I should remove this post.