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thisoneisnotasbad t1_j36mxxe wrote

Since it’s just an opinion, I think she meant outdoorsy types with dogs who refuse to follow leash laws. You know the ones, they don’t keep their dogs on a leash and when they run around and jump up on strangers they say “ohhh he is friendly.” And then you need to say, that is awesome, but my 4 year old is still wicked allergic and now I’m going to need to undress before I go into the house and spend an hour vacuuming out the car so he doesn’t get hives next time he is in it.

Yeah, probably that.

Also, could be Republicans, Democrats, minorities, or white people depending on her politics and how racists she is.


That1FcknGuy OP t1_j36sjta wrote

Sounds right up my alley. Also, it is likely to be a political statement.


syphax t1_j37vo4k wrote

For the record the "friendly" dog assaults are not limited to VT (reporting from suburban MA). I once had a woman call my children "assholes" after her dog knocked one kid over (resulting in a laceration due to getting a stick in the face upon landing). Plus, many, many other slightly less insane encounters in the woods!