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ziggygersh t1_j3u7mf1 wrote

Stowe just buried all its power lines on Main Street. It was a huge 2 year project and was super expensive. Is it really nice now? Yeah. Is it realistic to expect every line in vt to be buried? Absolutely not and even stowe still has a majority of its lines not downtown on towers.


roadmasterwagon t1_j3uafd5 wrote

Makes sense in a place that is all about "place" like that.

Generally only makes sense for densely populated areas or new suburban developments where they are already digging everything. Otherwise the cost is spread amongst too few people to be worthwhile.


06EXTN t1_j3uxrsl wrote

Waterbury did too. Looks nice.


NonDeterministiK t1_j3ucbtu wrote

Grafton (pop 650?) has also buried most of its in town power lines


swarm32 t1_j3uht4n wrote

Historical areas grants plus old money plus the middle of town isn’t completely a slab of granite.