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Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j3y0sxd wrote

Let me rephrase your point:

"Gun safety isn't that important. Memaw is old, she can't remember things like 'trigger discipline'. When she's holding a gun and pointing it at you, remember to smile and nod".


TheTowerBard t1_j3y1nm7 wrote

Ah. I see the straw men have entered the conversation. How very productive and mature.

Please my dudebro, by all means, take this energy and apply it to the people that pass cars when it’s not a passing lane. Apply it to the people that carelessly drift out of their lanes. Apply to the situations that are actual issues on our roads.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j3ygf4k wrote

/r/idiotsincars Lots of situations there if you need examples.

P.S. Anecdotes aren't straw men.


TheTowerBard t1_j3yhu21 wrote

I love that sub. Big fan. Yet I have never once seen an accident there that started from people at a four way stop when all were stopped and one person waved to let another go. Not once. It’s just not an actual thing my dude. You know what I do see a lot there? Over aggressive assholes that need to take a giant chill pill.

And yes, straw man arguments most certainly can be anecdotes that do not apply to the conversation at hand no matter how hard you try to make them apply. In this case, going from a discussion about being waved through a 4 way stop out of turn to not saying anything to meemaw about her lacking trigger disciple is completely insane. Ridiculously absurd. Like hilariously dumb. So yeah, straw man.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j3yjrs2 wrote

You've never seen an accident at a 4 way stop caused by an idiot? Dang, consider yourself lucky. No wonder you're so positive about driving.


TheTowerBard t1_j3yl70n wrote

Of course I have. Always by someone who didn’t stop. Not once have I seen one stem from a situation where everyone came to a complete stop and someone waved someone else through out of turn. Please, prove me wrong with actual evidence. You can’t and won’t because it’s not a thing. The accidents that occur at 4-way stops are almost entirely caused by people not coming to a complete stop or trying to rush themselves through out of turn. You’re being laughably absurd here.

Please go ahead and look up the leading causes of accidents. None of them are “someone got waved through a four way stop out of turn.” They almost are all caused by speeding, rushing, or distracted driving. None of those things apply to someone at a complete stop waving for someone else who is also at a complete stop to go first. Get real.

And until I see you arguing on here against anyone going even one mph over the limit (something 99% of us do every single day) I’m going to call BS on you caring about meemaw not knowing the four way stop rules. Speeding is scientifically proven to cost lives. Extensive studies have been done that show how more speed equates to more human deaths. So where is all your energy about speeding? Not just you, but everyone else in this thread too. Instead everyone is just annoyed with a well intentioned person causing no one any harm but maybe a few seconds of delay. Get a grip.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j3ymo0g wrote

Well that's great for you. I see accidents all the time at my local traffic circle from people "waiting in the middle" for other folks at a yield sign.

Two or three days ago at a 2 way stop sign near me, I almost witnessed an accident because someone "waved" on oncoming traffic to take a left. Tires screeching and everything from the cross traffic.

So I guess you're lucky! I have absolutely seen accidents caused by "being nice" and ignoring the rules.


TheTowerBard t1_j3yndhv wrote

Those things you describe are not 4-way stops which is what this discussion is about. Traffic circles have very different rules and very different consequences for not following the rules. I’m in full agreement there are lots of situations where idiots cause dangerous situations. Everyone stopped at a 4-way stop isn’t one of them. Someone NOT stopping at a 4-way would be one though.

And yeah dude, we’re also talking about VT here. Have you driven in other places? VT roads are mostly very chill and relaxed compared to many places. We barely have any actual traffic. It’s just not really a thing here. The main issue in VT roads is speed, distracted driving, and drunk driving.


FinalSagan t1_j3y2krf wrote

FYI you can pass on double yellow in VT, provided it’s clear and safe of course.


TheTowerBard t1_j3y9781 wrote

Right. “Provided it’s clear and…” that part is usually missing.


FinalSagan t1_j3yg5d2 wrote

Lmao, maybe change your rant to “passing illegally” then