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t1_j3yrm9r wrote

Here’s the thing, people are going to be unpredictable. People are going to turn without using their blinker. People are going to go slower than you want to go when you are late for work. People are going to full on not even realize you are there. If you are driving and fully expecting everyone else to be predictable, you’re the issue. Someone won’t be. That’s a guarantee.

There’s also a lot more nuance to my response that you are ignoring. But ok, let’s focus on your words.

I don’t disagree with you. Let’s look pedestrians again. If we are talking about a group of humans sprinting down a track, yes someone doing something unpredictable can be an issue there. Just like how when we are flying down the highway someone doing something unpredictable can be bad. However, a group of human beings all at a full stop and one says “after you,” we’re all good. No issues. So let’s take this situation OP presents, four vehicles at a full stop. One person waves someone through. There is no issue here. A mild annoyance, sure, but this is not something that is causing danger on our roads.

But again, my point was bigger than this specific scenario. We do have an issue on our roads but it’s mostly from over aggressive drivers and folks who DON’T stop at stop signs. We also have decades of studies that show us very clearly that speed kills. More speed literally equates to more human deaths. Yet I’m not seeing any passion here for speeding. I’m not seeing any posts addressing the tailgating or unsafe passing that we see everywhere. So yeah, when I start seeing folks get worked up about that stuff I’ll believe they actually care about someone waving someone through a four way stop out of turn.