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thisoneisnotasbad t1_j48akq3 wrote

Nobody except entitled people expect the town clerk to do their record search for them. Who TF thinks it is the town clerks job?


MultiGeometry t1_j49n5xt wrote

Im giving up. You seem to have a view of how the world works that lines up with how you wish it worked. I simply can’t convince you that people experience hardships that you were unaware of.

You win. This service outage affects no one. Including me. Just five minutes ago I called up the state office and they’re sending a personal consultant with everything I need to complete an ALTA survey by Monday. I’m so relieved. /s


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4b3hj7 wrote

Are you intentionally misstating what I am saying? I will chose to think you are not and simply don’t understand the point of either article or what the majority of the posts in this thread are about.

If you read you will see most are not about being inconvenienced they are about town records being gone, inaccessible or held hostage. I was pointing out none of those are the case and all the records this company has, the 18% of the state property record, are available for free at your town clerks office. (Or potentially $4/hr max for you to access the books)

While the company adds value, the response to a private data reseller being offline is, for lack of a better term, ignorant.

If you and your business are experiencing hardships because a private company goes offline, that really sucks for you but is not the same as state records being lost or unavailable.

If you can’t see the difference then I’m not sure what to tell you.


MultiGeometry t1_j49pgw9 wrote

This is like saying only entitled people expect librarians to help them find a book. It’s literally the town clerks job to maintain the land records, and anyone who needs help or has questions, has a reasonable expectation that the town clerk wouldn’t call them an entitled prick and to go F off.


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j4b3pyg wrote

It’s is their job to maintain the records and provide you access, not do your research for you. Nobody is saying you will be called a prick, but expecting the town clerk to pull records for you is peak entitlement.