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Amyarchy t1_j4kznlt wrote

Everything is about race because white people made it that way. You can't just ignore our country's entire racist history and decide that discussing the very real wounds that are NOT healed is "driving wedges" in any kind of good faith manner. YOU are free to pretend it's "over" and we should "move on" and unite, because you come from a place of privilege, even if it's unacknowledged.
If I was strangling you, and told you to get over it without removing my hands from your neck, that your complaining makes things worse... how would you feel? Or if I stopped strangling you and instead of getting you help, or allowing you to seek that help yourself, I told you, "shut up, you're fine, it's over," would you be so quick to put that history in the past and move on?
Please understand that the wounds of racism are not healed, and recognizing those wounds only "makes things worse" for those who inflicted them.
