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helios_the_powerful t1_j6l2j4s wrote

Let's be honest, that proposal through Maine is juste a pipe dream. It might happen, but it's nowhere near a priority for any of the states it goes through.

However, this corridor might have more momentum then you think it has. Amtrak has already identified the Boston-Concord corridor as a potential corridor to invest in. Mass. is invested in expanding the MBTA and upgrade the lines all over the state. On the other side, New England states have made a top priority to extend the Vermonter to Montreal and double its frequency. Work is on the way for preclearance facilities at Montreal Central Station.

$100M isn't that much, really. If they manage to build enough ridership on each side of that gap, that would repay itselft really quickly. The only serious obtacle would be New Hampshire, which is notoriously opposed to passenger rail.


DrToadley OP t1_j6l55tj wrote

I'm really hopeful WRJ to Concord happens because it would both be the most direct route between Montreal/Burlington and Boston as well as hitting the most number of smaller cities along the way. Going through Maine or western Massachusetts would be slow and would also not serve communities which are presently poorly served by rail. Of all that this map proposes, I'm most hopeful that that line is built someday. Heck, build it in the I-89 median to avoid right-of-way problems - I know interstate median rail isn't ideal but if it gets it to happen, it's better than nothing.