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thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5qpkjz wrote

> I do want our reporting to reflect the reality of what is actually happening in VT.

Then why do you do so many fluff pieces? Sometimes you have great stories, but a lot of time there is stuff like the other two options to vote on. The Netflix show Wednesday and out of state shelter? How is that what is happening in VT. I understand you can’t attract listeners with doom and gloom all the time but every once in a while the public desire to be placated with stories about bullshit should just be ignored and you should cover a real topic that impacts real people.


bravestatevt OP t1_j5toww5 wrote

Thanks for the feedback. Not every episode is for everyone, though in this case, the Airbnb question won and I'm glad it's a topic you're interested in. Open to reporting suggestions if you have them


thisoneisnotasbad t1_j5vjra8 wrote

I suggest you report on great social issue questions you ask then get outvoted. People have proposed some great topics but dumbassery outvoted it. How about the one on how the state is failing incarcerated individuals by having shit services for reintegration. But this time, don’t offer some stupid alternative for people to vote for like legends of bootlegging or whatever that one was.