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you_give_me_coupon t1_j5qr2r9 wrote

> Do you see more regulation of short-term as part of a solution?

Sure, but that's the most piddly compromise anyone should even think about accepting. That you're asking about "regulation" shows how near your horizon is; I suspect a small-L-liberal world is all you can conceive of. I want a country organized around ensuring regular people's needs first and foremost, instead of now, where the priority is maximum profits for a tiny group of oligarchs. I want vacation homes past the first, and non-owner-occupied AirBnbs expropriated by force - really make an example of people, put some fear into them. The recent bill to ban AirBnbs that weren't owner-occupied for 60-70% of the year was a tiny, hesitant step in the right direction, but even that got killed instantly. (Assuming there was ever any serious intent behind it; knowing the sponsor, Rep Kornheiser, I'm not so sure.)

> What other stories/reporting do you want represented in this episode?

Why are you asking me instead of whatever billionaire's "foundation" is funding public radio this week?
