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MarketplaceMallBTV t1_j5rjoi2 wrote

The ice coast takes no prisoners. Mikaela, Bode, and the Cochrans are all proof.


Eternally65 t1_j5rz23w wrote

There's a reason world class skiers come to the north east for college, and it is indeed because this is where you learn to handle ice. The west is too soft and easy, with all that wimpy powder and such.


landodk t1_j5s56fu wrote

Also… lots more colleges with established programs. There are probably more colleges in MA established before 1940 than there are west of the Great Plains. All those public colleges established since then are great, but they don’t have the athletic department legacy older colleges do. Keeping a downhill program around is a lot easier than selling it to an AD with a limited number of programs.

Sure, big D1 colleges have them, and can do well, but none of the little colleges can consider it


anusty t1_j67k6i1 wrote

Go back to the Meads and what of Chaffee? Burke and Pico birthed many. Let’s not forget Weinbrecht; had a few acquaintances who ski’d with her troupe; nothing those guys and gals could get down quickly and gracefully. For what it’s worth, just wrapped up a stunning 5 days of skiing at Heavenly; love VT, but ski anywhere out west and you’ll love the snow…no ice, but the narrow winding trails of VT can only be found there.


urtlesquirt t1_j6d1gnn wrote

Don't forget the XC skiers! Like half of the US XC ski team came through Stratton Mountain School or Craftsbury as kids or are currently associated with the pro teams at those schools. The only other place that reliably produces pro XC skiers is Alaska. US Biathlon also skews heavily to New England.