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bibliophile222 t1_j5rlxib wrote

I'm not BIPOC, so I can't speak to it on a personal level, but as someone who works in a school, the schools here do tend to care about racial equity and anti-racism: my district has been doing anti-racism trainings and has an anti-racism task force. The Burlington/Winooski area is by far the most racially diverse part of the state. Chances are if you stick to the more progressive areas, most people will be decent. If you go more rural/northern, racism might increase (I've heard not-so-great things about Enosburg). It's tough because the state is just so white that not a lot of people here have many interactions with the BIPOC population, so it's easier to Other them. I remember in high school being really intrigued by minority populations and really excited to see so many of them when I moved out of state for college. I very much grew up in a little Vermont bubble, and I'm certainly not alone.