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trutknoxs t1_j5t6u8b wrote

I second this! I’m biracial and I grew up in central Vermont. I only had a few kids call me the n word in school (literally maybe 2 or 3) and while I definitely experience micro aggressions, I internalized it and was really impacted until I was an adult and realized how unfair my treatment was.

My advice to you is that your kids will likely experience microaggressions where ever they go. You have to set them up for success and teach them what to tolerate and what to not tolerate, and how to safely and appropriately stand up for themselves. Truth be told, I’m not condoning violence but I think a lot of the folks who treated me poorly could’ve been easily corrected with a punch or two (and one was! Never had trouble with that kid again).

I know they’re both a bit of a jump from Rutland/Killington, but Putney area and Burlington area have both been very tolerant for me. As for the Rutland area, we’ll that’s sort of where I grew up. I watched a darker completed family get bullied right out of my school once so if you have any personal questions you want to ask, please feel free to dm me. For reference, I am 24F, moms white, dads very dark, and I am black enough to notice but white enough to be tolerated most places.


DifficultyNeither273 t1_j5tmobb wrote

Thank you!! I will definitely be reaching out to you!


trutknoxs t1_j65smkq wrote

By all means, please do. There’s very little black community in VT and I’d love to help bolster that.